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나빌레라 소개

나빌레라 한국무용 컴퍼니는 2017년4월 예술감독겸 무용가 김희린에 의해 설립 되었으며, 2018년 8월 Navillera Korean Performing Arts Development(NKPAD)라는 비영리 단체를 설립하여,무용,음악등 다양한 장르에 교육과 공연예술을 하는 단체로 발전을 하고 있습니다.

2019년 9월 현 장소로 이전, 명실상부 토론토 최초 한국무용전문학원인 나빌레라 한국무용 학원을 개원 하여, 전문 강사진과 더불어 후학양성에 이바지하고 있습니다.


원장 & 디렉터

서울에서 태어난 김희린은 10살때 학교선생님의 권유로 한국무용을 시작하여 35년동안 무용의 길을 걷고 있다. 한국의 숭의여자 대학에서 한국무용을 전공하였으며, 졸업 후 예전무용단에서 단원 활동과 서울 대치동에 위치한 정경무용에꼴에서 학생들을 지도하며, 무용의 커리어를 쌓아 오다 결혼과 동시에 캐나다로 이주 2000년 11월 부터 2016년 11월까지 16년동안 KDSSC라는 한국무용단체에서 단원으로 활동 하며  크고 작은 무대에서 공연 및 안무 경험을 쌓아, 2017년 4월 나빌레라 한국무용 컴퍼니 설립하였습니다.

최근 내역

2019 9월

나빌레라 댄스 스튜디오 오픈

2018 10월 13일

Performance at Toronto Centre for Arts - 너바나 그 연결된 하나

2018 8월

나빌레라 한국 무용 아트 개발 (NKPAD) 비영리단체 설립

Apr 28, 2018

Performance at Fairview Library Theatre - 어울림

  • Choi Jong-Sil style Sogo-Chum, Jainchug, Lee Mae-Bang style Salpuri trained with Man Jin-Soo, Mentor
  • Kim Sook-Ja style Dosalpuri trained with Lee Jung-Hee, The Chief Successor of Its Style
  • Korean-Canadian dance form directed by Mi Young Kim
  • Arts diploma in Korean traditional dance
  • Ballet/Modern dance as 2nd major
  • Formal training in the very mainstream of Korean traditional dances
    - Salpuri and Taepyungmu in Han Young-Sook style
    - Jindobukchum in Park Byung-Chun style
  • Classical ballet
  • Modern dance
  • Korean traditional dance
  • Running professional development, Community dance programs
  • Developing the project of combining Salpurichum (a Korean traditional dance) and Surya Namaskar (Yoga, Sun salutation)
  • Teaching adults and youths classes Korean traditional/modern dances and creative work
  • Showcasing students group in various community festivals and gatherings such as Korean thanksgiving festivals in Mel-Lastman Square
  • Choreographies for Mi Young Kim dance company:
    - 2011: Journey
    - 2010: In a beauty
    - 2006: Gong-Mu-Do-Ha-Ga
  • Choregraphies for solo pieces
    - 2005: Farewell
  • Actively engaged in Korean-Canadian cultural scene as one of the leading professionals
  • Performed as a part of Dance Weekend hosted by Dance Ontario, Sooryu Dance Festival and Mi Young Kim Dance
  • Company’s presentations in various community celebrations
  • Venues: Toronto Centre for the Arts, Fleck Dance Theatre (Premier Dance Theatre), Betty Oliphant Theatre, Richmond
  • Hill Centre for the Performing Arts, Harbourfront Centre, etc.
  • Taught Professional Developmemt programs
  • $9,700 – travelled to Korea and trained with Mun Jin-Soo inherited Lee Mae-Bang style Salpuri, Sogo Dance, Jaeinchung
  • $6,500 – travelled to Korea and trained with Lee Jung-Hee, the chief successor of Dosalpuri in Kim Sook-Ja Style
  • Best prize
  • Grand Prize, Salpuri in Han Young-Sook Style
  • Grand Prize, Short Salpuri in Han Young-Sook Style
  • Gold Medal, Janggochum
  • Creative Group Work with musician Young Jik Kim
  • Creative Solo Work
  • 8th Sooryu Dance Festival
  • Korean dance performances and costume show
  • Co-work with Mi Young Kim Dance Company and Artcal Ryu Art Company from Korea
  • Featuring the dynamics of both Korean traditional and contemporary dances along with martial arts
  • Part of 60 Years’ Rhythm and Movements celebrating Mi Young Kim’s 60’s anniversary of dance life
  • Worked with Peter Chin and co-created with Gui Rhan Choi
  • An event celebrating the friendship between Korea and Canada
  • with Mi Young Kim Dance Company
  • 6th Sooryu Dance Festival
  • 4th Sooryu Dance Festival
  • 3th Sooryu Dance Festival
  • 2th Sooryu Dance Festival
  • 1th Sooryu Dance Festival
  • A multicultural dance event that served as a model of Sooryu Dance Festival
  • Part of the celebration of Mi Young Kim’s 50th anniversary of dance life

코호트라 소개

유튜브에서 코호트라를 만나보세요! 나빌레라에서 한국 무용과 요가를 접목시킨 새로운 형식의 홈트레이닝을 알려드립니다. 건강에 좋은 코호트라 배우시고 좋아요와 구독 부탁드립니다.

나빌레라 문의하기

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